21st Anniversary of The Lord Of The Rings: The Return of the King: Unveiling the Top 10 Hilarious Moments

As we celebrate the 21st anniversary of "The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King," it's time to revisit the epic saga with a lighter touch. While the film is renowned for its dramatic battles and profound narratives, it's also sprinkled with moments of humor that have stood the test of time. Here, we dive into the ten funniest dialogues and monologues from this cinematic masterpiece, showcasing how even in the darkest times, laughter can be found in Middle-earth.
Gimli's Drinking Joke - At the victory party in Minas Tirith, Gimli humorously boasts, "Here's ta dwarves that go swimmin'... with little hairy women!" This quip, showcasing his camaraderie with Legolas, adds a light-hearted moment amidst the celebration.
Legolas and Gimli's Competition - When Legolas takes down an entire Oliphaunt during the Battle of the Pelennor Fields, Gimli's response is pure comedy, "That still only counts as one!" This friendly rivalry never fails to bring a smile to fans' faces.
Pippin and Merry's Smugness - After taking over Isengard, Merry and Pippin greet their friends with, "The salted pork is particularly good." Their self-satisfied demeanor as they enjoy the spoils of war, especially Gimli's reaction, adds a touch of humor to the scene.
Gimli's Fart Joke - In the extended edition, Gimli's moment of levity at the table, where he leans forward to fart after drinking, is a classic example of the film's comedic relief.
Éomer's Reaction to Legolas - When Legolas humorously comments on the drink affecting him, Éomer's look of disbelief and his comment, "You people are just weird," encapsulates the cultural clash and camaraderie among the races.
Merry and Pippin's "Green Dragon" Song - Their rendition of "The Green Dragon" while dancing on the table in Rohan, kicking drinks over, showcases their exuberance and the light-hearted side of the hobbits.
Pippin's Beacon Lighting Fiasco - Pippin's proud moment after lighting the beacon, only to realize he's standing on what's becoming a large pyre, is both amusing and a testament to his character's growth from folly to bravery.
Gollum's Reaction to the Ring's Destruction - The panic in Sauron's eye as his tower falls, with Gollum's maniacal dance around the ring, adds a darkly comedic twist to an otherwise serious moment.
Sam's Ribbons in Rosie's Hair - After the ring's destruction, Sam's heartfelt but humorous mention of Rosie Cotton, "She had ribbons in her hair," captures the essence of his simple, endearing dreams amidst apocalyptic chaos.
Bilbo's Birthday Speech - Though from "The Fellowship of the Ring," its callback in "Return of the King" through memory and dialogue provides a humorous reflection of Bilbo's wit, "I don’t know half of you half as well as I should like; and I like less than half of you half as well as you deserve."
Some Closing Thoughts:
"The Return of the King" might be remembered for its battles and dramatic arcs, but these ten moments remind us that Tolkien's world is also one where humor has a place, even in the shadow of doom. As we celebrate this anniversary, let's not forget to laugh with our beloved characters, proving that even in epic tales, a good laugh is never out of place.
So, how do you plan on celebrating the fact that "The Lord Of The Rings: The Return Of The King" is now old enough to get a drink of its own at the Prancing Pony? Whatever you guys think, jump down in the comments section below and let us know your thoughts!
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